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VoicePing improved communication between 11 branches of Sango

Sango is a human resource and sale support company that have 11 branches all over Japan. Their communication issues between branches have been fixed thanks to the well-designed UX of VoicePing’s quick catch-up feature. Also, with great audio quality, they feel using VoicePing is like talking face-to-face. Mr. Mizushima joined the interview and shared with us his experience of using VoicePing.

Company Introduction

Sango has two main businesses; one is human resource dispatching and the other one is sale support. For dispatching business, we have both B2C and B2B customers who want us to support them in various fields. For example, companies that are struggling with recruitment or sale.

For sale support, our customers are both small and big firms. Small companies need helps with their offline and online sale channels, while big companies want our service to strengthen their sale process or reduce cost. For example, there was one of our customers asked us to support their 600 stores in all areas of Japan.

VoicePing solve the communication issue in 11 branches

Did you have any issues before using VoicePing?

Currently, we have 11 branches in different areas such as Kansai, Kanto or Hiroshima, so it is essential to have a connection between them. Moreover, since we are working remotely, it is essential to have smooth communication between members in different areas.

Did VoicePing solve your issues?

We have 30 members using VoicePing now, all of whom are managers-level or online sales members. They are using VoicePing to communicate between branches and headquarters. Additionally, our back-office members are also actively sharing on VoicePing because it feels like talking in real-person.

Plus, we ask our part-time remote workers to use the work log of VoicePing. Since this feature can help us track their actual time working on their computer, we use this to prevent wrong use of working hours.

Why did you decide to use VoicePing?

We met your CEO, Mr. Nakajima-san, and had a talk about supporting VoicePing sales. After listening to his explanation about VoicePing, we thought that this product can fulfill our needs and we started to use it since then. Moreover, to help VoiePing with sales, we also need to understand deeply about it.

Suggestions for VoicePing's future development

Currently, only remote working teams are using VoicePing, and not yet the offline sales teams who are working outside of the company all of the time. So I think if VoicePing has the application, we can also ask the members of the offline sales to use it and connect to the remote team easily.

Plus, we hope that VoicePing can integrate the notification system into other chat tools. For example, while I having a meeting with customers and there is another user trying to call me on VoicePing, it is better to have the notification showing on our chat too so I can call that person back afterward.

Feedback from other employees

First of all, we are happy that now our communication between different branches going smoothly. Secondly, we were impressed by the audio quality of VoicePing. We also used different popular meeting tools before, but when we speak at the same time, the audio quality is quite bad and sometimes we couldn’t clearly listen.

But VoicePing audio is crispy, and we didn’t have any issues while meeting with many people at the same time. We feel like talking face-to-face while communicating on VoicePing.

Sango's Company Vision

Our mission is to use our sale technology to expand the future. While we continuously provide the best service for our customers, we are trying to contribute more to society. In this industry, not many firms are into social contribution, but we believe that Japan will be better if companies like us participate more. Therefore, we are challenging ourselves to commit to this goal.

About VoicePing

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