Terms of Services

VoicePing, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby stipulates the terms and conditions of use of “VoicePing” provided by the Company between the Company and the users of this service.

Article 1 Agreement to the Terms

1 The User shall use the Service in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the Privacy Policy, and laws and regulations.

2 By actually using the Service, the User is deemed to have agreed to these Terms.

Article 2 Definitions

The definitions of the terms used in these Terms are as follows

(1) “These Terms” means the Terms of Use for the Services.

(1) “These Terms” means the terms of use for the Service. (2) “The Service” means all services related to VoicePing provided by the Company.

(3) “User” means an individual, corporation, or other entity that agrees to these Terms and uses the Service, and is the subject of a contract with the Company regarding the Service, or an individual who actually uses the Service.

(4) “Workspace” a digital space for users to access the Service.

(5) “Administrator” is the person who manages the workspace among the users. (5) “Administrator” is the person who manages the workspace among the users, and has the authority to invite, register, and cancel guests.

(6) “Guest” A user who uses the workspace.

(6) “User” means a user who actually uses the Service. (6) “Guest”: User who actually uses the Service, including both Administrator and Guest.

Konica Minolta Manufacturing(HK) Ltd.(HK) Konica Minolta Manufacturing(HK) Ltd.(HK) Konica Minolta Manufacturing(HK) Ltd.(HK) Konica Minolta Manufacturing(HK) Ltd.(HK)

Article 3 Use of the Service

Users can use the Service by agreeing to abide by the Terms of Service and applying or registering for the Service in the manner prescribed by the Company. After the application or registration, the Company may, at its discretion, examine the eligibility for use of the Service, and may not approve the application, or may cancel the application retroactively, or may not grant the eligibility for use (hereinafter referred to as “Suspension of Eligibility”). Article 4 Notification

Article 4 Notification

1 When the Company notifies users of the Service, it will do so by posting on the Service, sending e-mails to users, sending mail, or by any other method the Company deems appropriate.

2 Even in the event that an e-mail addressed to a user registered with this service results in an error, the Company shall be deemed to have given notice. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by this.

Article 5 This Service

1 The Service provided by the Company to the User is a voice and video communication service, the details of which are provided on the Company’s website (http://voice-ping.com/) and in the functional explanation materials.

2 Regardless of the information on the screen of the Service, intellectual property rights and other rights related to the Service are not transferred to the User, and only non-exclusive rights of use are granted to the User.

3 The Company may restrict the use of the Service without prior notice to the User in the event that the User violates or is deemed likely to violate laws and regulations or these Terms of Use in using the Service, or in the event that there is a business need to do so.

Article 6 Registration Information

1 The User shall provide true, accurate, and complete information when it is necessary to register information, such as when using the Service.

2 If there is any change in the registered information, the user shall promptly complete the change procedure on the service. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by failure to change the registered information.

Article 7 Handling of Data

1 The Company will use and provide all information obtained from users with the care of a good manager in accordance with the Privacy Policy, and will endeavor to handle the information safely. For details, please refer to the Privacy Policy.

2 The User shall be responsible for keeping backups of the User’s data. The Company shall not be held responsible for the restoration of lost information, compensation for damages, or any other damages incurred by the User due to the User’s failure to back up their data.

Article 8 ID and Password

1 The User shall endeavor to prevent unauthorized use, and shall set and manage his/her ID and password at his/her own risk, and the Company shall bear no responsibility whatsoever.

2 The User shall not, under any circumstances, allow a third party to use the Account, or transfer or lend the Account to a third party.

3 The Company may, at its sole discretion, suspend the use of a user’s ID and password if it determines that there is a possibility of unauthorized use of the user’s ID and password, such as failure to log in for a certain number of times. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by the user’s inability to use their ID and password as a result of the Company taking such measures.

Article 9 Maintenance of the Usage Environment

1 Users shall, at their own responsibility and expense, properly arrange the equipment, software, and communication means necessary to use the Service.

2 The User shall take security measures such as prevention of virus infection, unauthorized access, and prevention of information leaks according to the User’s usage environment.

3 The Company shall not be involved in, and shall not be responsible for, the User’s usage environment.

Article 10 Privacy

The Company shall properly handle the User’s privacy information and personal information in accordance with the “Privacy Policy”.

Article 11 Fees

1 The fees for this service will be determined separately by the Company in accordance with the categories listed on the Company’s website (https://voice-ping.com/). In the event of a change, the relevant fees will be applied from the following month.

2 The method of payment of the Service fee shall be separately determined by SOFTBANK TELECOM.

3 The contract period of the Service is initially for one month, and is automatically renewed in one-month units thereafter, and will be automatically extended for another one month unless you stop the continuation of the Service by the expiration date of the contract period by a written or electromagnetic method separately determined by Fuji Xerox.

4 Even if you start using the service in the middle of the month, you must pay the full amount of the fixed monthly fee for the current month.

5 Regardless of whether you use the service or not, you must pay the relevant usage fee during the contract period.

Article 12 Cancellation of the Service

In the event that the User is using the Service, regardless of the reason, the User shall not be exempted from the charges in any of the following cases, and shall pay the charges until the expiration of the contract period of the Service.

(1) When the use of a user’s ID and password is suspended in accordance with these Terms of Use.

(1) When a user’s ID and password are suspended in accordance with these Terms (2) When a user’s eligibility is suspended after a contract has been concluded

(3) In the event of suspension of use, etc.

(4) In the event that the contract between the Company and the user is terminated by the civil law, other laws, or the Company

(5) termination of this service or cancellation of this service by the user

(6) the provision of the Service to you is suspended or terminated in accordance with these Terms.

Article 13 Termination by the Company

(1) In the event that a User falls under any of the following items, the Company may, without prior notice to the User, suspend all or part of the Services or the affiliated services to the User, or terminate the contract with the User

(1) If the User violates any of the provisions of this Agreement.

(2) When bills or checks are dishonored (3) When there is a seizure or provisional seizure

(3) When the Company is subject to a seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, or other compulsory execution, or when the Company is subject to an arrearage or delinquency disposition

(4) When a petition is filed for the commencement of bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation, corporate reorganization, or special liquidation proceedings

(5) in addition to the preceding three (3), there has been a material change in the credit status of the user

(6) the Company is dissolved or ceases operations

(7) Konica Minolta Konica Minolta Manufacturing(HK) Ltd. receives a warning or recommendation from a governmental authority or receives an administrative penalty for its business methods

(11) Sumitomo Corporation concludes that the User has, or is likely to, view, change or destroy the data stored on the Company’s computers without the Company’s consent.

When a user uses his or her account in an improper manner, such as exceeding the number of accounts authorized by the Terms.

The User has committed any of the following acts by himself/herself or by using a third party

(13) Violent or threatening actions

(13) Unreasonable demands beyond legal responsibility.

(b) Spreading false rumors, using deception or force to damage the credibility of the other party or interfere with the other party’s business

Any other act equivalent to any of the above.

2 Notwithstanding each item of the preceding paragraph, when the Company finds it difficult to continue the use of the Service, the Company may cancel the contract with the User based on these Terms.

3 When the Company cancels the contract with the User based on the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, the User shall be required to pay the fees until the expiration of the contract period for the Service, regardless of the reason.

Article 13 Termination of Contract by the Company

1 In the event that the User falls under any of the following items, the Company may, without prior notice to the User, suspend all or part of the Service and the affiliated services to the User, or cancel the contract with the User.

(1) If the User violates any of the provisions of this Agreement.

(2) When bills or checks are dishonored (3) When there is a seizure or provisional seizure

(3) When the Company is subject to a seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, or other compulsory execution, or when the Company is subject to an arrearage or delinquency disposition

(4) When a petition is filed for the commencement of bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation, corporate reorganization, or special liquidation proceedings

(5) in addition to the preceding three (3), there has been a material change in the credit status of the user

(6) the Company is dissolved or ceases operations

(7) Konica Minolta Konica Minolta Manufacturing(HK) Ltd. receives a warning or recommendation from a governmental authority or receives an administrative penalty for its business methods

(11) Sumitomo Corporation concludes that the User has, or is likely to, view, change or destroy the data stored on the Company’s computers without the Company’s consent.

When a user uses his or her account in an improper manner, such as exceeding the number of accounts authorized by the Terms.

The User has committed any of the following acts by himself/herself or by using a third party

(13) Violent or threatening actions

(13) Unreasonable demands beyond legal responsibility.

(b) Spreading false rumors, using deception or force to damage the credibility of the other party or interfere with the other party’s business

Any other act equivalent to any of the above.

2 Notwithstanding each item of the preceding paragraph, when the Company finds it difficult to continue the use of the Service, the Company may cancel the contract with the User based on these Terms.

3 When the Company cancels the contract with the User based on the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, the User shall pay the fees until the expiration of the contract period for the Service, regardless of the reason.

Article 14 Change, Addition, and Abolition of the Service

In addition to the provisions of the preceding article, the Company may change, add, suspend, discontinue, or abolish the contents of the Service and affiliated services without prior notice to the User for any reason whatsoever. The Company shall not be liable for any damages resulting from such changes.

Article 15 Changes to the Terms

1 The Company may change the contents of this Agreement if the Company deems it necessary.

2 In the event that the Company changes the Terms, the Company shall notify the User of the contents and effective date of the changed Terms by posting on the Service’s website or by any other method deemed appropriate by the Company. If a user uses the Service after the date specified in the notice, the user shall be deemed to have agreed to the amended Terms of Use, unless such agreement is legally invalid. However, in the case of changes that require the user’s consent under laws and regulations, the Company shall obtain the consent through a method deemed appropriate by the Company.

Article 16 Handling at the time of contract termination

In the event that the contract between the User and the Company for the use of the Service is terminated, regardless of the cause of termination such as cancellation of the Service by the User, termination of the contract by the Company, or discontinuation of the Service, the User shall lose all rights and privileges related to the User’s account used by the Company. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by the User as a result of this.

Article 17 Intellectual Property Rights

The intellectual property rights related to this service belong to the Company and third parties who are legitimate right holders, and the rights are not transferred to the User through this Usage Agreement.

Article 18 Prohibition of Transfer of Rights and Obligations

The User shall not transfer, succeed, pledge, or otherwise dispose of any rights or obligations under this Agreement to any third party without the prior consent of the Company.

Article 19 Consignment

The Company may outsource part or all of the operations related to the Service to a third party.

Article 20 Prohibited Acts

1 The User shall not engage in the following acts when using the Service.

(1) Infringing the intellectual property rights of others, such as copyrights and trademarks.

(2) Infringing on the privacy of others

(3) Actions that infringe on the honor, trust, etc. of others

(4) Criminal acts or acts that lead to criminal acts

(5) provide any information that is not true (including, of course, impersonating others)

(6) interfere with the operation of the Service or damage the reputation of the Service

(6) interfere with the operation of the Service or damage the reputation of the Company or any third party (including, but not limited to, burdening the server or sending bulk e-mails to parties who have not consented or are unlikely to consent)

Sumitomo Corporation will not allow any third party to use your ID or password.

11 11.11 Making false statements to the Company

11. To create multiple free accounts, unless the Company has given written or electronic consent.

(13) Use of the Service for the benefit of a third party, or any other use of the Service for purposes other than personal use.

(13) Other acts that violate or may violate the law.

(13) Other acts that violate or may violate laws and regulations. The act of holding multiple accounts by one user, or the act of holding a single account jointly by multiple users, except for those approved by the Company.

Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate.

2 In the event that a User commits an act that falls under any of the items of the preceding paragraph, the Company may suspend the use of the Service or take other measures that the Company deems appropriate (hereinafter referred to as “Suspension of Use, etc.”). (hereinafter referred to as “Suspension of Use, etc.”). The Company shall not be obligated to disclose the reason for the suspension of use of the Service. In addition, the Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by the suspension of use.

Article 21 Disclaimer

1 The User shall use the Service at the User’s own risk, and shall bear all responsibility for any and all actions taken on the Service and the results thereof. In the event that the Company incurs damages as a result of the User’s use of the Service, the User shall indemnify the Company for such damages (including a reasonable amount of attorney’s fees). 2.

2 The Company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by the User due to changes, suspension, cessation, or malfunction of the Service or services affiliated with the Service.

3 The User agrees in advance that the use of the Service or the Service’s affiliated services may be suspended for a certain period of time due to the following circumstances, and the User shall not claim compensation from the Company for damages caused by the suspension of the Service or the Service’s affiliated services.

(1) The Service may be suspended for the purpose of inspecting, repairing or servicing the servers or software of the Service or the Service’s affiliated services.

(2) Stoppage of the Service due to accidents involving computers, communication lines, etc.

(3) Stoppage due to other unavoidable circumstances.

The Company assumes no responsibility for the completeness, accuracy, certainty, effectiveness, or safety of any information provided by users through the Service.

5 The Company shall not be held responsible for, and shall not compensate for, any damage caused to users, trouble between users, or other matters in the services provided by the Company or the services affiliated with the Company.

6 In the event that the Company should be held liable to the User or a third party due to reasons such as the exemption clause set forth in this Agreement not being applied, the amount of compensation for damages based on such liability, regardless of the number of cases, shall be limited to the amount of fees paid by the User to the Company in using the Service, unless the Company is intentionally or grossly negligent. The Company and the User agree in advance that, regardless of the number of cases, the maximum amount of damages based on such liability shall be the fees paid by the User to the Company in using the Service.

Article 22 Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces such as Organized Crime Groups

1 When using the Service, the User agrees that he/she does not belong to or fall under any of the following groups: organized crime groups, organized crime group members, organized crime group-related companies, general meeting of shareholders, socially motivated criminal groups, politically motivated criminal groups, specially intelligent violent groups, and other antisocial forces (hereinafter referred to as “antisocial forces”). (hereinafter referred to as “Anti-Social Forces”), and that they are not involved with Anti-Social Forces, and that they will not be involved in the future.

2 In the event that the Company deems that the User belongs to, corresponds to, or is involved with antisocial forces, the Company may, without prior notice, take measures to suspend or terminate the use of the Service.

3 The Company shall not be obligated or responsible for any damage caused by the suspension or termination of use due to the User’s violation of this Article.

Article 23 Governing Law, Court of Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan, and in the event that any legal action is necessary in relation to this Agreement, the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance, depending on the amount of the lawsuit.

Supplementary Provisions

Enacted and effective as of September 23, 2020

Revised on August 21, 2021

This Agreement is written in the Japanese language. In the event of any discrepancy between the translated version and the Japanese version of this Agreement, the Japanese version shall prevail.